Summer Blooms: Ylang Ylang, Bangar Nut, African Pin Cushion
July 23, 2010

The ylang ylang tree at the Edison and Ford Winter Estates has finally started blooming! The oils of this flower are used to make perfumes such as Chanel No. 5, so you can imagine how fragrant it is. The tree is close to the fence along McGregor Boulevard in front of the Edison guest house. There are just a few ylang ylang trees available for purchase in the Estates Garden Shoppe.
The Estates is seeing encore performances from the bangar nut tree (Sterculia foetida) and African pin cushion (Sarcocephalus latifolius) this summer. Both bloomed in May and are blooming again right now. The bangar nut is known for its mothball-scented flower and the pin cushion has a unique flower that is sweetly scented. The bangar nut tree is in the Estates research gardens behind the Banyan Café and the pin cushion is next to the public butterfly garden behind the ticket office.