Plant Spotlight: Ylang Ylang
September 10, 2009
by Dick Dutton, Plant Curator

Ylang Ylang Tree, Cananga odorata, Annonaceae
The Ylang Ylang is an evergreen tree around 30 to 45 feet tall with gracefully drooping branches. It is often grown in the gardens of Southeast Asia and has yellow-green, highly fragrant, drooping flowers, which appear almost continuously on the leafy twigs. The oil of the flower is used to make Chanel No. 5 perfume.
There are two mature Ylang Ylang trees at the Estates, both located near McGregor Blvd in front of the Edison guest house. Area neighbors walk by the trees just outside the grounds and enjoy the beautiful, exotic fragrance of their flowers.
There are two other forms of the Ylang Ylang on the Estates grounds; a large vine by the pool and cistern and a dwarf scrub bush just inside the fence along McGregor on the Caretaker’s property.
If you are interested in enjoying the Ylang Ylang’s famous fragrance from home, the plant is available for sale in the Estates Garden Shoppe. The trees for sale are propagated from seeds from the Estates’ own trees.