NEW Hydroponic Garden at the Edison Ford
February 17, 2012
Are you interested in learning more about Hydroponics? The Edison and Ford Winter Estates has added a new display using hydroponic gardening techniques.

What exactly is hydroponics? Hydroponics is a method of gardening and growing plants in a mineral nutrient solution, in water, without soil medium. Here,at the Edison and Ford Winter Estates, we are using a worm tea solution created by floating large tea bags filled with a worm casting media in water, then pumped through a series of tubes. The plants are placed in the tubes, as the roots hang in the solution they absorb nutrients from the solution. Hydroponics is a great way to produce edible crops, reduce pest and disease problems, reduce the need for expensive fertilizers, as well as speed up crop production.

Feel free to stop by and see our display by the Edison Botanic Research Lab, ask our horticulturists a question or pick up worm castings for your own garden in our Garden Shoppe. We also sell heirloom seeds, just like the lettuces and greens we are growing in our Hydroponic system.