Name That Plant VII ANSWER: Golden Dewdrop
August 5, 2010
Last week we tested your plant knowledge and asked you to identify this plant:

Congratulations to Barbra Goodrich Justice for correctly identifying it. As this week’s winner, Barbra will be awarded her own golden dewdrop plant!

Golden dewdrop, Duranta repens
This Florida native is very versatile – it will grow as a free-form small tree in your yard or bloom just as happily in a hanging basket. The purple flowers of the golden dewdrop are followed by small yellow fruits, thus the common name of this plant. It is a great butterfly plant, rated for zones 9B-11, and is drought tolerant once established. If allowed, it may grow to 15 ft tall by 15 ft wide, but will tolerate frequent pruning.

Although it is unclear when the Edisons first planted golden dewdrop at the Estates, in 1935 Mina led a tour of the gardens and the golden dewdrop was included. Come see our golden dewdrop behind the Estates ticket office or view the white-flowered variety across the street next to Mina’s Moonlight Garden. We have several flowering golden dewdrops for sale in the Estates Garden Shoppe: most are the purple variety and are $6 for a one gallon container.