Joining Two Families | Wedding Ceremony Ideas
April 6, 2013
For second marriages or when there are children from a previous relationship, joining the entire family during the wedding ceremony is important.
Here are some wedding ceremony ideas that involve children.
- The couple may take vows regarding the children
- A token of love may be presented to the children to commemorate the occasion
- A sand ceremony may be performed that includes a color of sand for each member of the new household

Personalizing your ceremony can be a collaborative effort with your officiate. For more wedding ceremony ideas, visit
Christina Phelps Bowman is the creator of Beautiful Ceremonies, and has been performing weddings for over two decades. Each ceremony is customized for the specific couple, reflecting their thoughts, feelings, ideas, and beliefs. She is a Preferred Vendor of the Edison and Ford Winter Estates.
Beautiful Ceremonies / 239-561-8380 / /