How to Grow a New Pineapple from a Store Bought Pineapple
May 10, 2011
Next time you buy a Pineapple, plant the top and grow a new one for FREE!

Every time you purchase a pineapple and throw away the top you are passing up on an opportunity to grow a new one!
The next time you buy a pineapple, follow these steps to grow your own:
- Cut off the top so there is 1 to 2 inches of fruit left
- Remove the excess fruit to expose the bottom of the leaves
- Peel away one or two layers of the bottom leaves
- Plant this at a depth where the leaves turn darker in a moist potting mix
- Choose a shady location and keep watered (not soggy) until it forms roots (move to full sun after rooted)
- You can fertilize, but do it lightly and not very often.
- In about 12 to 14 months you should start to see the fruit forming and in about 18 to 24 months you’ll have yourself a fresh pineapple!
Tips for planting and caring for your pineapple plant:
- Water about once a week directly onto soil. The plant is tropical and pretty drought tolerant so little or no watering is needed in the summer rainy season.
- Pineapples can be grown in a pot or container or directly in the ground.
- Pineapples are tropical, so protect them from freezing and frost.
- Once the plant has taken root, move it to a location in full sun.
- Harvest fruit when it changes from green to gold in color. This allows the fruit to become much sweeter.
- Plants will produce slips and shoots (baby pineapple plants) and you will be able to start these just like you started your original plant.
Edible Pineapple plants and Ornamental Pineapple plants are available for purchase in the Edison & Ford Estates Garden Shoppe. Stop in to see what else we have in stock right now!