Education Fund
Think of all the things we can accomplish with your gift. When you contribute to our Education Fund, you provide educational opportunities beyond your imagination!
Our regular programming includes classes, camps, and our highly anticipated annual summer camp, all offered throughout our historic site, as well as community outreach programs. Through the generous support of individual donors and businesses, scholarships for summer camp, exciting cutting edge technology, and free programs for Title I schools and other organizations in need are offered.
When students enter the “living laboratory” of the Edison and Ford Winter Estates, they are exposed to science, technology, engineering, the arts, math (STEAM), history, and so much more! By leveraging the innovative legacies of Thomas Edison and Henry Ford, focusing on the individual, and adhering to Florida state educational standards, students receive a truly one-of-a-kind education experience.
For instance, your gift of $350 affords a child in need the ability to attend a week-long, summer camp. Just $50 sends one child to our day camp. No gift is too small to help.
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give online today!Questions? Call 239-334-7419 for more information.