Strange things are afoot at the Edison and Ford Winter Estates this week! Our azalea is blooming! Normally azaleas (Rhododendr..
Last week we asked you to identify this plant. Not a single one guessed correctly. The answer is Copperleaf. Copperleaf, ..
The first to correctly identify this plant will win the plant. We will announce the correct answer and the winner next Wednesday..
The game continues! Can you identify this plant? We will post the answer next Tuesday! Contest Rules: Leave a comment o..
Last week, we asked our readers to identify the plant below. The person who correctly identified it first would win the mystery ..
With all the flowering plants in the Estates Garden Shoppe, herb garden and butterfly garden, now is a good time to be a nectar-se..
Can you identify this plant? We will post the answer next Tuesday! Contest Rules: Leave a comment on Facebook or the Garden B..
by Britta Soderqvist, Plant Curator Last week we asked you to identify this plant: Today, we have the answer for you - Strawb..
Test your plant knowledge. Can you identify this plant? ..
by Britta Soderqvist, Estates Plant Curator Fringed Hibiscus, Hibiscus schizopetalus The fringed hibiscus is a fast-growing ..
by Britta Soderqvist, Estates Plant Curator Dwarf Poinciana, Caesalpinia pulcherrima This is a fast-growing shrub or small tre..
There is always something blooming at the Edison and Ford Winter Estates. Take a look at what's in bloom right now: ..
(p) 239.334.7419 • Open Daily 9 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. • Last ticket sold at 4:30p.m.